Perfume Puff Ponies / Parfümponys

Daisy Sweet

Daisy Sweet

Daisy Sweet ist türkis und hat gelbe oder weiße Haare. Sie hat eine Parfümflasche als Symbol.

Geschichte:„"All I need is a dab of perfume!" Daisy Sweet said as she finished dressing for the party. Daisy Sweet reached for the perfume ans accidentally tipped over the bottle, splattering perfume all over her new party dress. "I don't have time to change," she sighed. Just then, Sweet Suds entered the room and saw the spots on Daisy Sweet's dress. Smiling, Sweet Suds blinked her eyes and daisies appeared over the spots. Then Sweet Suds pulled a daisy from the hem and tucked it into Daisy Sweet's hair for a pretty finishing touch.“