Glory / Sternschnuppe ist weiß und hat lila Haare mit einer blauen Strähne. Sie hat eine glitzernde Sternschnuppe als Symbol und ein Horn.
Geschichte der USA-Verpackung: „Glory was looking for a special friend, a friend who believes in magic. One day she came upon a grand castle and saw a beautiful young girl sitting by the pond. Glory made an unusual sound. The girl turned to look at Glory, then ran toward her, arms outstretched in greeting. "I dream about you every night. Are you really here? Oh, please, please be here!" she exclaimed. Stars shot across the sky as Glory nestled her head in the young girl's shoulder. Glory knew that she had found her special friend - her friend who truly believes in magic! “
Geschichte der Verpackung aus England: „Glory is the most elegant of all the earth-bound creatures. She moves from place to place with a magical stride, almost as though she had wings. Her magic takes her from kingdom to kingdom in search of a young girl who believes in magic...and in unicorns! “